La Liste

Why can’t somebody give us a list of things that everybody thinks and nobody says, and another list of things that everybody says and nobody thinks?

Oliver Wendell Holmes, Sr.

So to Tom and Jane and Lori and Nigel and anyone else who will be spending time on SeaSea. This is what to bring.


Bring a pair of sandals like these. Everything else is optional . I bring a pair of topsiders every trip and have yet to use them . We also bring rain gear mostly to have something to layer on the ride to and from the northern airports in November.


The galley is pretty well equipped and we buy all or food on island , except spices and herbs . Get an idea of what use at home and bag some up in individual ziplocks bags, it will save a ton of money not to mention space. Sandy has this pretty much covered unless you have special recipe that requires something exotic.

Snorkle and Mask

Bring a snorkel and mask. We used to bring fins but now use those that are available free from Waypoints. Less to haul around that way.

Sunscreen and Towels

Get reef safe Sunscreen. We usually bring an extra towel but there are plenty on the boat. .


In case you go to the BVI’s and have to deal with these guys. Or you could try to outrun them. Actually our encounter was quite pleasant.

Cash and Credit Card

To buy all the things you left at home … and cash to get into the BVI’s.

So that’s it; the list.

French Boat , French Song

Published by billtan

Striving to be a better boat .

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